8 Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

8 Simple Habits for Better Mental Health : I strongly believe that good mental health is the greatest of all the riches in the world. Actually, it’s priceless . Our mental wellbeing is the place through which we see, feel and experience EVERYTHING in our lives.

So this post can be a starting point for those who may not know where to begin – 8 simple rules that can dramatically improve your mental wellbeing if you follow them every day. Even starting with just one or two gives you a base to build upon over time.

Your mental health should be a top priority , which means being proactive and embracing the three golden rules of mental health practice – repeat,repeat,

So here they are:


1. Swap a Negative for a Positive

It’s like scrabble . Want to swap a tile to make a better word

It’s the same with your mind. Has a negative thought or feeling popped up , Swap it for a positive . Just try it.

For example….

I wich I had a bigger house to ” I love my cosy home”

“Sitting in traffic winds me up” to ” I enjoy listening to this playlist in the car”

“I hate getting up when it’s dark out”to”I love being awake for the sunrise”


2. Eat Well

Every time you’re about to eat, PAUSE and take two seconds to think about your options . Pink the healthier food. If you break this down to one meal at a time, your eating habits will improve and this has a very positive knock-on effect.

Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

3. Drink Water

6 to 8 glasses a day if you can . But if you’re not very good with your H2O , start by drinking 2 more glasses than usual and build it up . Staying hydrated is a crucial component in maintaining a healthy body, and it makes you feel GOOD.

Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

4. Exercise

A minimum of 30 minutes a day is recommended by the NHS, but start with 15 if need be. A walk? Yoga? Swimming? Cycling? OrĀ  maybe weights or resistance training. Release those endorphins.

Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

5. Do something Kind for someone

…..Without expecting anything in return . No gesture is too small. Make that person a coffee. Send that sweet text. Give an item of clothing to charity. Buy a couple of extra items at the supermarket and put them in the Food Drive. Sod it, hug a person that needs a hug. The world needs more hugs. You’ll feel good for it.


6. Do something for You

Every day. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

Ideas…. Read a chapter of a book . Stand outside with the fresh air on your face. Go to football training. Watch a sitcom. Have a hot chocolate. Play on the Xbox (if you must) . Go to a friend or family member for a cuppa and catch-up. Who do you miss who is overdue a visit?


http://8 Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

7. Breathe

Simple Habits for Better Mental Health: We breathe automatically , like , all the time. 24/7 . But how often do you breathe deliberately? This is mindfulness . See if you can remember to breathe deliberately just once today. You’ll get better the more you practise.

‘Belly breathing’ is a great way to relax. Try this now if you like…

Take a deep breath in through your nose (all the way in). Fill your belly with air so it expands. Hold it. Coun to 3. Slowly breathe out through your month (allll the way out). Relax your shoulders. Hmmmm

Please note: this can be repeated as often as needed, whenever,Wherever.

Simple Habits for Better Mental Health

8. Sleep

7 to 9 hours a night if possible . Make it a priority this week and you’ll feel like a new person.


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